Good news readers, I sold 53 copies of both my books in the last four months, but the bad news is only 5 copies were sold online. In December of last year, I decided to have my booksigning on February 22, 2013, and I planned the promotion for it. I promoted my facebook page for me as an author, and promoted my booksigning on Facebook. I even spent $697 on newspaper advertisements to get new audience to come and $15 on Facebook advertisements. At my booksigning, only eight people came, including four new people. I ordered 60 copies of two books, and I sold five copies. I promoted them on flyers.

So, I don't know if I chose the wrong date to have my booksigning because the day of my booksigning, it was snowing a bit, like an inch, even though I reminded people on Facebook or chose the wrong place to have my booksigning or promoted wrongly. What should I do to have a successful booksigning because I want to have a successful writing career in my lifetime. I'm 21, but I want to be succeed in writing books and having booksignings. I'm currently in my third year of college majoring in graphic design, but I'm currently writing my third book, which will either be a poetry book or a short story book, which is general fiction. Plus, I'm 21 years of age. Hope you support me in my conquest.

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